Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So I've noticed a few posts and mentions regarding bodyclipping over the last few days. From tips and hints to suggestions as to what clippers to use. I have quite a few opinions on those subjects...

I've done a lot of bodyclipping over the years. I did my first bodyclipping at 16, it was terrifying as I was handed the clippers and left to fend for myself. Also they were the huge and heavyweight Oster Clipmasters. I struggled through however and managed to do a pretty decent job, it didn't help any that it was a black and white paint.

After that I read up and watched other people who had more experience than me. Then I started small, by perfecting trimming noses, ears, feet, etc. Then I moved up to a basic trace clip on my QH. My first pair of clippers were refurbished Wahls that I got for twelve bucks. They lived a good life till a horse spooked and sent them flying down a concrete aisle.

Years passed and I eventually got to a point where people were asking me to clip their horses. Instead of using other people's clippers I ponied up the money and bought a pair Wahl KM2 clippers, which I still have (and love).

For some reason I really enjoy doing a great bodyclip. Maybe it's my small way of showing my artistic side. Once I was barn manager I had some real fun bodyclipping. I started leaving a marking in hair on a hindquarter. It started simply enough, I used a maple leaf and traced it on a horse I was riding at the time. Everyone liked it so much that the next year I got creative. I put a dollar sign (by fair the hardest ever) on a jumper named Show Me The Money and a hard candy on The Sweetest Thing. To this day I wish I had taken pictures!

Well, if you're planning on bodyclipping your horse, make sure your blades are sharp and you have plenty of time. Rushing a body clipping never ends well.

On a different note, things are pretty much the same here. I managed to lunge UK walk trot the other day, then it got warm and things started to melt, followed by a deep freeze so that area is now just ice. So much for being able to lunge again.

Oy, I'm ready for spring, with as little mud as possible please!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Winter continues...

It's the still the first week and February and Winter has not relented one iota. Snow and freezing rain have combined to imprison not only my horse, but my freedom as well.
Hell, just trying to drive my car has gotten very dangerous, as with the snow banks so high it feels like playing russian roulette when you try to turn onto a main street. Scary!
We're all slowly starting to go stir crazy, and I include that horses in that statement. I try to leave them outside as long as possible, but they have such limited space to move in that they don't burn much energy. Everyone is getting twitchy and cranky, it's just not pleasant. We're all bored and there is nothing we can do about it.

On top of it all I am currently unemployed and looking for work. So normally I would ride lots, but I can't as I have nowhere to ride. *sighs* It just sucks...

There is nothing new, and nothing going on. I just clean the barn, change blankets and feed the horses when it's my turn. I bring my camera and take pictures occasionally.


This is when I wish my truck could haul Betsy's trailer, then I would be able to trailer UK to an indoor at least...