Monday, November 7, 2011

Living in New England can be a bit hard.

So UK had a light week leading up to Holloween as I was away Thursday and Friday. Saturday dawned cold and brisk and then 15 to 20 inches of snow dropped on Connecticut. Other New England states got hit as well but not quite as hard as Connecticut. UK was wrapped up in a blanket and sharing a shed with Ethan, so he had it easy. The humans didn't have it quite so good.

100% of my county was out of power by the end of Saturday, and the rest of the state didn't fare much better. Trees, wires and telephone poles were down everywhere. Sunday was bright and sunny, but no one really noticed as they were too busy trying to dig out of the white stuff. I was actually stuck without a car for a couple of days so I couldn't even check on UK, but luckily Sally had him covered for me.

The week slowly warmed up and the snow started to melt. Everything was snow and puddles and mud. It was just gross. The ring was a frozen mess, so I rode UK up and down the driveway on Thursday and even made down the road a little bit so we could walk around a field owned by the state.

Then Friday, Saturday, Sunday and today we trail rode with Jean. Friday she rode Rebel and the rest of the time she rode Maggie. At first we tried going down the trails but weren't able to get very far thanks to all the downed trees. We bushwhacked a little and I found out UK likes being an equine battering ram. So Saturday Jean and I decided to ride down the road and had a nice three and a half mile walk to survey the damage on the nearby streets. UK kept his cool over bridges, past barking dogs and when people flew by us in their cars.

A combined effort of some of the guys from our barn and a couple other people who use the trails made it so Jean and I were able to ride the majority of the main trail again yesterday and today. We even jumped a one of the downed trees before it got cut!

UK still throws his temper tantrums when we go down the trails, but they disappear when we go somewhere new. He's a little too smart for his own good. I think I'm going to have to get bigger spurs because as he gets stronger and fuzzier my little prince of wales become less effective when he misbehaves.

Tomorrow I hope to ride him in the ring and give him a little refresher in moving off of my leg, as it should be thawed enough.

Oh! I almost forgot. The hunter pace got postponed to the 20th of this month, thanks to Winter Storm Alfred. So I have more time to get his giant ego-ness ready. ;)

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