Thursday, March 31, 2011

UK & the Tarp: Battle of the Haystretcher

Another attempt at having UK deal with his arch nemesis, the Tarp.

I've found most horses will do just about anything for Haystretcher, it's worse then crack. So I upped the ante and gave UK an opportunity he couldn't refuse.

So this was this morning. All kinds of funny! This big chicken is my future event horse. I know, hilarious! At least he's a cute chicken...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So where do I start?

A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks...

Well we'll start with the big one. Savannah died last week. I got to the barn last Monday (the 21st) to feed the horses in the morning to find her dead in her stall. She died sometime after Kristy and I had left on Sunday night. No signs of a struggle or pain, she just lay down and went to sleep.
We all agreed that she made sure to prove us wrong by surviving the winter and technically not dying till the first day of spring. As usual Sav made sure everything was on her terms.
Monday night Kristy, Betsy and I met in the barn and toasted Sav as the "Grand Dam of 1832 Farm" with some wine and stories of her exploits. It's always bittersweet when you loose an old friend, but we all agreed that Sav wouldn't have wanted it to end any other way.
Miss Sugar Jar, aka Savannah
UK has been pretty depressed about loosing his friend. Kristy and I free lunged him with Dacharia on Thursday and it seemed to perk him up a bit. I don't think he's dealt with death before, but unfortunately it is part of life. 

Prior to Sav dying and afterwards I've been lunging UK a lot in preparation of riding him again once the weather cooperates. He's doing pretty well and didn't really forget anything. He got to jump while being free lunged a couple of times and he was very excited about it. I cannot get over how much this horse enjoys jumping! He never tries to go around or anything like that. He locks on to the jump and does it with joy in his heart.

Well, hopefully I'll get to ride my horse soon. It's supposed to snow for three days in a row later this week... ugh.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wonder of wonders.... Sun!

Really, sun is a big deal! After all the flooding we had a little over a week ago, it's wonderful to see the sun. The massive amounts of rain melted the majority of the snow, and in it's place is now lots and lots of mud. Yay.....not. I loath mud only slightly less then I loath flies.

 Luckily UK doesn't seem to be the type to roll in mud every chance he gets, that's Dacharia's job. His sheet is clean, while her's is a patchwork of mud.
Look! The ring is actually visible!
So on Monday I decided to take a walk out towards the big field we use as extra turnout. I always bring some haystring when I do a fence walks, just in case I need to do a quickie repair job. The big field is fenced with one line of electric tape, I know it doesn't seem like much but we haven't needed anything more. Our one rule is no ponies, as they wouldn't be as happy to stay out of trouble as our horses have been.
Every spring a long lost horse shoe surfaces.
This one is from Tessa, I'm certain and at least 2yrs old. 
So I after an inspection and some time spent tightening the fence back up I decided that it was ok to let the horses inspect the big field. Getting them to do it was a whole other matter. UK was suspicious as to why I was trying to lure him out past the gate and Dacharia had a look that said, "Why should I bother?"

So I decided to resort to bribery. 
As you can see, they didn't exactly come running... I was only able to convince them by starting to eat their carrots. The distinct crunch and snap got Dacharia's attention immediately, she was greatly offended that I would dare to start munching on what was so obviously for her! She'd walk ten steps closer and then pause, glaring at me. I would then take another bite and the process would start all over again. UK followed her, but not with much enthusiasm. Once through the gate, and after eating the carrots it dawned on them why I wanted them to  come over... There was room to move!

Then the inspection of the field commenced. There was a little trotting and a lot of UK imitating a hound dog. He had to sniff everything! They walked all over, checking out everything and seeming to relish the ability to stretch their legs again. 

Eventually they reached the bottom of the field, where UK decided to roll gently on one side in the cleanest patch of snow he could find. Then he and Dacharia realized they could run! 

Well I was going to post a video but it seems it just won't cooperate... stupid program.

On a separate note, I got to lunge UK today! He was awesome, very relaxed and using his back end. I'll do more once the weather improves again as it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow. :(

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More snow, more rain, more ice and Smartpak!

So it's been a crazy month or so. The weather has been all over the place. The horses are going stir crazy and their stalls reflect that. Their small turnout area has gotten slightly bigger due to some meltage (not a real word I know). So it now is an ice flow. 

Haven't been able to ride or even lunge UK. So my mental state is not much better then the equines.
The one bright spot was getting my Smartpak Equine Supplement & Horse Care Guide for Winter 2011 on the third week of February. As usual it was interesting with great product reviews, but what I was really excited about was on page 52.
Look! It's UK! And a quote from me!!! 

So after making excited noises I brought the guide to the barn with me to show UK. I know it isn't much, but even just having a few sentences of mine published in something that went all over this country is pretty wicked for me. (Also my quote was the longest out of the 11 they picked.)
UK was very intrigued and took a moment from enjoying the 54 degree day to take a look. 

Then Dacharia had to see what all the fuss was about. 

The only thing somewhat different this week is both UK and Dacharia will be getting their feet done. I cannot wait till the ice thaws so we have some traction. So maybe I could lunge him and then, maybe, just maybe, get to ride him. 

I can dream, can't I?