Sunday, August 7, 2011

Millbrook Horse Trials 2011

Saturday I met with my sister-in-law and we hopped in my car and drove out to Millbrook, NY to watch the crosscountry portion of the Millbrook Horse Trials. I'd made the decision to go when I found out that Peter Atkins was bringing Henny down and competing in the Intermediate division. Millbrook is less then an hour away from my house. 

Amy and I had a blast! It was fantastic to be around so many horse people. All the volunteers (especially the little girls running the raffle tent) were friendly and helpful. It was cloudy and breezy and bug free, you really couldn't ask for better weather. 

It was awesome to watch so many top quality horses and their riders negotiate the XC course. Having Boyd Martin, Phillip Dutton, Karen O'Connor, Leslie Law, Doug Payne, Peter Atkins, Buck Davidson and other professional riders so close was a great learning experience. 

Below is a small selection of the photos I took. Over all I took almost 1200 photos. Unfortunately my camera just wasn't powerful enough to get the shots I was trying to get. 

I also took some video:

There is more video on my youtube channel. 

I shared some of my better shots with Eventing Nation and John has used a couple for today's Millbrook showjumping recap entry. I'm a huge fan of EN and can't help but be tickled pink that my photo is gracing their blog. ^_^

Here's hoping that next year I'll be lucky enough to be competing in the beginner novice with UK! It's a big dream, but it is a dream that was made all the more tempting by walking the course once all the advanced riders were done. 

At least I know I won't have any problems with the show jumping, as that's my thing.... hehe! 

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