Saturday, April 2, 2011


This morning: 2nd time eating off the tarp. Yes!

First time since JANUARY I've gotten to ride my horse! It was windy as all heck but I persevered! All the ground work I've been laying really paid off. He's in excellent shape all together, while lunging him yesterday I noticed he now has studly shoulder muscles! I'm rather proud considering he had no muscle when I bought him last June, he looked like the equine version of a pole bean.

I lunged him briefly first, just to be safe. He had some spook in him but I ignored it and made him just keep moving forward. Then I hopped on and immediately made him start working. Lots of bending and flexing, stretching and collecting. Biggest thing I've found is if he's trying to spook in a specific area I make him stare at it by doing an outside bend/renvers, it took all the scary out of it and helped him focus. *fist pump*

I'm at that lovely point where he trusts me more and we're really starting to figure each other out. The good is outweighing the bad now!

As an added bonus I'm not as out of shape as I thought I was, all my riding muscles were there and working despite everything that's happened in the last 6 months. I rode him for a good half hour after lunging him almost as long (we had a chat with Betsy in the middle of lunging) and then proceeded to clean the barn and feed them. I felt pretty damn good considering I had outpatient surgery on Monday and have needed some serious painkillers till today.

Right before I brought them in to feed I played with my camera and took some pictures.

Curiosity is starting to outweigh fear.

Begging faces (I have a carrot in my pocket).

Classic Quarter Horse face! Love it!

Well it's very late and I need to be conscious in order to teach tomorrow. Toodles!

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