Thursday, April 7, 2011

UK's Birthday

So Wednesday the 6th was UK's 9th birthday. The weather was wet, cold and dreary. So he got an intensive grooming and much spoiling, along with copious amounts of carrots. 
LOOK! Shoulder muscles!!! All that conditioning work is paying off!

It's very nice to have a horse that actually likes me again. If I had tried to do this with Tess there would have been at least two attempts on my life and an attempt to poop on me while picking her feet. 
Yum! Carrots!
We played around for quite awhile, making him do stretches for the carrots and attempting to remove more hair from him. All his white markings have two to three times amount of winter hair that his chestnut areas do. It was cool when he first grew his winter coat, as all the white really popped, but now it's just more work.

Could you say no to that face? The cute factor is at 9 here.

Now then, UK's one request for his birthday is that he would get to write something his own words for once. I've shown him Jack & Jill's adventures and it helped him understand the whole blog thing better. 


I'm UK, well you probably know that already... I'm new to this whole internet thing. Mom has shown me a lot of cool things on here, but she also keeps putting up embarrassing videos of me. I don't like that much, that tarp is going to kill, just wait and see, I'm right!

Mom keeps using that camera thing, I do not understand why she is always making me pose for it. It's really annoying in the morning when all I want to do is enjoy my morning hay and try to stay out of Dacharia's way. (She's a bit cranky first thing.)

Did I mention that I love to jump? I really do! I like what Mom calls "bounces", she says they're good for my agility or something but I just think they're fun. Jumping is so much more fun then going around and around the ring with my head low like I used to have to do when I was a western pleasure horse. That was SO boring. 

Mom keeps saying I think too much, but she's one to talk, I know she does it too. Sometimes though she is right, but don't tell her I said that. 

I have to say though, she keeps life interesting! I had never even heard of eventing before I met her, and I had never been ridden english before either. I'd seen some of my old barnmates being ridden english and watched them jump, it was pretty cool but I never thought that would be me eventually! Now she keeps telling me about things she reads about on a place called Eventing Nation, then she showed me some of the stuff they have. WOW! Some of those horses are really cool! I like how they get to jump different things. Not sure how I feel about that dressage stuff though, what Mom calls "flatwork" is not my favorite. At least we don't just go around and around the ring, she makes me do all sorts of things.

Well, I have to go, Dacharia doesn't like being alone very long. I didn't think having a girlfriend meant I would never get time to myself... Ugh. Well, off I go.



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